反斗星玩轉深海 大閙糖果遊樂園
魔幻歷奇掀起 2015/16 舞季序幕
Join Pinocchio’s Exciting Adventures
from Land to Sea

A World Première by Hong Kong Ballet


這部全新製作的芭蕾舞劇改篇自意大利作家卡羅.哥羅廸(Carlo Collodi)的經典童話故事《木偶奇遇記》,並特別邀請著名瑞典編舞家帕.伊斯伯格(Pär Isberg)為香港芭蕾舞團度身訂造,他聯同來自法國的服裝設計師熱羅姆.卡普蘭(Jérôme Kaplan)以及瑞典佈景設計師波魯賓.赫特禾爾(Bo-Ruben Hedwall),將小木偶皮諾丘由陸地至深海的奇幻旅程搬上舞台,無論大人抑或小朋友,都可以親歷小木偶的驚險旅程,肯定令大家樂而忘返。《木偶奇遇記》將於2015年8月28日至30日及9月4日至6日(星期五至日)假香港文化中心大劇院演出十場,充滿歡笑,肯定讓一家大細可以開懷大笑。

"Pinocchio" is a brand new production based on the classic fairy tale written by Italian writer Carlo Collodi. The Company commissioned renowned Swedish choreographer Pär Isberg to re-envision this much-loved story through ballet. Pär Isberg, together with French costume designer Jérôme Kaplan and Swedish set designer Bo-Ruben Hedwall, have choreographed and designed a fun and magical production which is sure to keep the whole family entertained. Join Pinocchio’s exciting adventures from land to sea. 10 performances of Pinocchio will be staged from 28th to 30th August and from 4th to 6th September (Friday to Sunday) at the Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Take a good chance to have fun with your family together in this summer.



Artistic Director Madeleine Onne stated: “Working with Pär Isberg for this production has been a wonderful experience for the whole Company. As it is a new creation, the dancers have had the opportunity to contribute their ideas to the transformation of this old fairy tale classic. It has elicited everybody’s imagination and thoughts on how a true fairy tale should be told and then these concepts have been transferred into the ballet production. We are certain this performance will delight, inspire and captivate audience members of all ages, from 3-103!”

About Pinocchio


Come see one of the best-known fairy tales retold through ballet! The Cricket appears and the adventures of Pinocchio begin. From a piece of wood, Geppetto creates Pinocchio, whom he loves as his own son. Naughty little Pinocchio keeps on running into trouble, first with the fox and the cat, two greedy crooks, then his best schoolmate, the naughtiest boy in class. To top it all off, he even picks up the habit of lying! His lies cannot deceive the Blue Fairy, who makes his nose grow longer as he tells lies. To look for Pinocchio, Geppetto sets out to the sea and ends up in the stomach of a whale. Will the Blue Fairy come to their rescue? Will Geppetto and Pinocchio reunite in the end? Will Pinocchio learn to be a real boy and good son?

Pär Isberg, Choreographer

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Principal Dancer, Ballet Master and Choreographer in residence at Royal Swedish Ballet, Swedish born Pär Isberg is a Freelance Choreographer. He has choreographed a vast variety of productions including full length ballets, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Pippi Longstocking, Mr Arne’s Hourd (Royal Swedish Ballet), The Sleeping Beauty (Vanemuine Ballet/Estonia), Coppelia (National Ballet of China), Anima (Gothenburg Ballet) and, The Nutcracker (Royal Swedish Ballet, Gothenburg Ballet, Vanemuine Ballet). His one act ballets include, Hansel & Gretel, Paperclippings, In search of…  (Royal Danish Ballet), Butterfly Lovers (National Ballet of China), Bachspace (National Ballet of Finland) and Harmonielehre, Elements, Cross Roads, Canzone (Royal Swedish Ballet). In addition to creating works for Theatre, Television and special events, Pär Isberg has won many awards. Among them, the Cullberg Dance Award, Drottningholm Theatre Prize and Gold Medal, the Carina Ari Prize and Gold Medal, and the Ivo Cramer Memorial Medal.

Jérôme Kaplan, Costume Designer

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Paris born Jérôme Kaplan studied Scenography at L’Ecole de la Rue Blanche. After graduating in 1987 he began designing sets and costumes for opera and ballet companies globally. Since 1992, Jérôme collaborated with Jean-Christophe Maillot and the Ballets de Monte-Carlo designing sets and costumes for Romeo and Juliette, Cinderella, Casse-Noisette Circus, Eye for Eye and Scheherazade. In recent years, Jérôme has worked extensively with Bertrand d’At on many productions including, The Prince of Pagodas (Opera of Strasbourg), In the Mood for Love (Ballet of Shanghai), In the Night Look (Opera of Cairo) and more. Other recent works are Christopher Wheeldon’s The Sleeping Beauty, Ib Andersen’s Kermesse in Bruges (The Royal Danish Ballet) and Nacho Duato’s The Nutcracker (Mikhailovsky Theatre, St Petersburg and La Scala, Milan). He has also worked with David Nixon on Northern Ballet’s Ondine, A Sleeping Beauty Tale and The Great Gatsby. Since 2010 Jérôme has worked with Alexei Ratmansky creating sets and costumes for Don Quixote (Dutch National Ballet), Cinderella (Australian Ballet, Melbourne), Paquita (Bavarian State Ballet, Munich) and the world premiere of Lost Illusions (Bolshoi, Moscow), for which he won a Golden Mask Award in 2012 for costume design.

Bo-Ruben Hedwall, Set Designer

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Bo-Ruben Hedwall graduated from the University College of Arts in Stockholm, Sweden and from Academie Raspail, Paris, France before embarking on a successful career as a set-designer for Swedish television. He has been the set designer for approximately 100 programmes and theatre productions. He has worked in many parts of the globe including China, Germany, Norway, Denmark and Estonia. In 2013, Bo-Ruben created the set design for Madama Butterfly and Un Giorno di Regno in Kristiansund, Norway. He is currently in demand for his designs with opera and ballet companies around the world.



Performance Details

28-30.8.2015 & 4-6.9.2015
Fri 7:30pm│Sat 2:30pm & 7:30pm│Sun 1:30pm & 6:30pm

Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

10 performances


HK$1,000 (VIP ticket) $680 $480 $280 $140
Tickets available at URBTIX now

Suitable for ages 3 and above

Pre-Performance Talks

Sat 1:50pm-2:10pm ( 粵語主講 Conducted in Cantonese)
Sat 6:50pm-7:10pm ( 英語主講 Conducted in English)

Level 2 Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre


Excited about being amongst the first people to experience this brand new production of Pinocchio? Stop by the level 2 foyer before the performance for an insider’s view as to what it takes to create a full length ballet from start to finish. Members from the production team will share with you their experiences working with the talented dancers of Hong Kong Ballet and its artistic and technical teams. This brief talk will complement your ballet experience and familiarise you with the history of Pinocchio’s timeless tale.
The programme is approximately 20 minutes long. Free admission with Pinocchio tickets.


帕.伊斯伯格 Pär Isberg

雷史碧基 Ottorino Respighi
本傑明.波普改編 arranged by Benjamin Pope

伊娃.薩斯特林 Eva Säfström

熱羅姆.卡普蘭 Jérôme Kaplan

波魯賓.赫特禾爾 Bo-Ruben Hedwall

莫穎婷 Aya Mok

陳焯華 Billy Chan

香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta

本傑明.波普 Benjamin Pope


Ticketing Enquiries
3761 6661

Credit Card Booking
2111 5999

Internet Booking

Programme Enquiries
2105 9724

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