
A Celebration of Dance : Cast announced for
The Hong Kong Ballet’s mixed bill production of
Serenade, Castrati and Swan Lake Act III



  The Hong Kong Ballet announces today the cast list for the Company’s jubilant mixed bill production: A Celebration of Dance – The Hong Kong Ballet at 35 !


  原定客席舞者因排檔問題未能如期來港,《天鵝湖》第三幕現將由莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團的克莉絲汀娜‧奇爾圖娃 (Kristina Kretova,黑天鵝奧狄莉) 與阿爾喬姆‧奧夫查連科 (Artem Ovcharenko,齊格菲王子) 演出。他們將參演10月24日 (晚上7:30) 及10月25日 (下午2:30) 的演出。

  Due to scheduling issues, the previously advertised guest artists are unable to perform Swan Lake Act III. New guest artists Kristina Kretova and Artem Ovcharenko of The Bolshoi Ballet will now be performing. They will assume the roles of Odile (Black Swan) and Prince Siegfried, respectively. The pair will appear in two performances on 24th October (7:30pm) and 25th October (2:30pm).




  The richly nuanced mixed bill consists of two other ballets - George Balanchine’s stunning Serenade and Nacho Duato’s powerful Castrati - and will span from 24th to 26th October with four performances.



  The City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong will perform Tchaikovsky’s beautiful scores for Serenade and Swan Lake Act III, conducted by Clotilde Otranto, Conductor of the New York City Ballet Orchestra.


Guest Dancers


Kristina Kretova First Soloist of Bolshoi Theatre of Russia


克 莉絲汀娜‧奇爾圖娃於俄羅斯奧廖爾出生,畢業於莫斯科國家編舞學院,其後加入克裡姆林宮芭蕾舞劇院,主演劇目包括《吉塞爾》、《天鵝湖》、《胡桃夾子》、 《唐吉訶德》及《艾斯美拉達》。她正參與「20世紀俄羅斯舞季」計劃,並參演《火鳥》及《塔瑪》。2010年她於莫斯科史坦尼斯拉夫斯基及諾米洛維奇-丹 臣柯音樂劇院成為首席舞蹈員。於2011/12年舞季,她加入莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團,師承妮娜‧瑟米佐洛娃。

Born in Orel, Kristina graduated from the Moscow State Choreographic Academy and joined the Kremlin Ballet Theater, where she danced leading roles in many productions including: Giselle, Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, Don Quixote and La Esmeralda. She became the constant participant of the “Russian Seasons of the XXI century” project, and appeared in lead roles in The Firebird and Tamar. In 2010 she took the position of Principal Dancer at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Music Theatre. In the season of 2011/12 she joined the Bolshoi Ballet. Her teacher-répétiteuris Nina Semizorova.



Artem Ovcharenko Principal of Bolshoi Theatre of Russia

阿爾喬姆於烏克蘭聶伯城出生,11歲起於聶伯城國家編舞學院學習芭蕾舞。他於17歲入讀莫斯科大劇院附屬芭蕾舞學校接受3年的專業訓練。2007年,他加入莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團,自始師從大師級排舞師尼古拉‧法德耶謝夫。2013年,阿爾喬姆成為莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團的首席芭蕾舞員。他在芭蕾舞界成績卓越,獲獎包括2006年德國柏林國際「舞蹈奧林匹克」第一名及2008年阿拉貝斯芭蕾公開賽(彼爾姆)男子組金獎、以及於2012年在莫斯科電視頻道Rossiya K的芭蕾舞比賽中奪得「最佳芭蕾舞組合獎」。阿爾喬姆經常隨團到世界各地演出,並獲邀為多個著名芭蕾舞團客席演出,包括柏林國家芭蕾舞團,蒙地卡羅芭蕾舞團,漢堡國立歌劇院芭蕾舞團等。

Born in Dnepropetrovsk, USSR (now Ukraine), Artem began his ballet studies at the age of 11 at the Dnepropetrovsk State Choreographic School. At the age of 17 he entered the Bolshoi Ballet Academy where he was trained for his three final years. In 2007 he joined the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia where presently he works under the guidance of master-répétiteur Nikolai Fadeyechev. In 2013 Artem became the Principal Dancer of the Bolshoi Ballet. His ballet career is marked by many professional awards including, gold medals at both, TanzOlymp Berlin (2006) and Arabesque ballet contest in Perm (2008) and Grand Prix in the nomination “The Best Ballet Couple” at The Bolshoi Ballet national TV contest (2012). Artem has extensively toured around the world with the Bolshoi Ballet and performed as a guest star with such renowned ballet companies as Staatsballett Berlin, Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo, Hamburg Staatsoper and others. His extensive repertoire includes Armand Duval in Lady of the Camellias; Lucentio in The Taming of the Shrew; Principal Soloist in Diamonds; Lensky in Onegin; Marco Spada in Marco Spada.


客席指揮 - 克洛蒂德‧柯廸蘭度
Guest Conductor - Clotilde Otranto Conductor
of the New York City Ballet Orchestra


Clotilde Otranto’s academic credentials include a Master’s in Orchestra Conducting from the University of Michigan, a Doctorate in Orchestra Conducting from Arizona State University, and a Conducting Artist Diploma from Yale University. She has worked under many prestigious Maestros including as Seiji Osawa, Gustav Meier, Henry Charles Smith, and Leonard Bernstein. She has worked with major orchestras in the United States and South America including the Minnesota Orchestra, San Antonio Symphony, Florida Orchestra, Tucson Symphony and State of São Paulo Symphony. From 1999 to 2006 she was the Resident Conductor of the Naples Philharmonic Orchestra and the founding Music Director of the Philharmonic Center Youth Orchestra. While Clotilde is a full time conductor of the New York City Ballet Orchestra at Lincoln Center, she continues to be in demand as a guest conductor all over the world. Additional accomplishments include conducting the New York City Ballet’s broadcast of George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker ™ on "Live from Lincoln Center" and guest conducting four world premieres at the Dutch National Ballet.

Live Orchestra
City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong

香港城市室樂團於1999年由藝術總監兼雙簧管首席黎燕欣創立,至今已成為亞洲最耀目也最有活力的室內樂演奏團體之一。多年來,樂團曾與不少享譽國際的音 樂家同台演出,包括占士‧高威、愛瑪.柯克比、依芙蓮‧格妮、湯馬士‧艾倫、克里斯蒂安‧林伯格、西崎崇子、馬利奧.布倫尼洛、卡爾.詹金斯、亞殊堅納 西、維也納兒童合唱團、英皇合唱團等,同時也曾與多位熠熠巨星如埃德娜.埃弗烈治夫人、海莉‧威斯特拉、凱瑟琳.詹金斯、林憶蓮、比知樂隊的羅賓.吉布等 攜手合作。樂團也曾出訪中國和意大利,在北京的中山公園音樂堂和拉奎拉聖菲利浦劇院演出,為當地觀眾留下深刻印象。樂團的首席指揮尚‧托勞在2008年履 任。2012年,香港城市室樂團推出了與丹麥短笛名家帕蒂莉合作灌錄的唱片《英國短笛協奏曲集》,由OUR錄音工作室發行,大獲國際好評。樂團每年舉行頻 密的套票音樂會和外展活動,為全港市民獻上多姿多彩的室內管弦樂,共享樂韻妙趣。

Founded in 1999 by Principal Oboist and Artistic Director Leanne Nicholls, City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong (CCOHK) has evolved into one of Asia’s most prominent chamber orchestras and one of Hong Kong’s most dynamic arts entities. The orchestra has collaborated with prestigious artists including Sir James Galway, Dame Emma Kirkby, Dame Evelyn Glennie, Sir Thomas Allen, Christian Lindberg, Takako Nishizaki, Mario Brunello, Karl Jenkins, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Vienna Boys’ Choir and The King’s Singers, and celebrities such as Dame Edna Everage, Hayley Westenra, Katherine Jenkins, Sandy Lam and Robin Gibb. On tour the CCOHK has made its mark in Italy and China, performing at historical locations such as the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing and the San Filippo Teatro in LÁquila. Chief Conductor Jean Thorel was appointed in 2008. In 2012 Danish recorder virtuoso Michala Petri and the CCOHK released English Recorder Concertos on OUR Recordings to international critical acclaim. CCOHK gives an annual subscription programme of concerts and outreach activities aimed at engaging the community and promoting the joy and diversity of chamber orchestra music.


2014年10月24、25日 7:30PM
2014年10月25、26日 2:30PM



$140, $280, $480, $680
* $1000 (限量VIP Ticket 貴賓票)




「CCDC Dance Generation特級會員」、「進念之友」

3761 6661

2111 5999


2105 9724

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