
Contemporary Dance Showcase Asian-Male Episode 5



Elite dance talents from various Asian regions will meet in Hong Kong this October, Contemporary Dance Showcase Asian-Male Episode 5 features six emerging and active male contemporary dancer-choreographers from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Korea, to interpret solo dance works varying in mood and style. These Asian masters are the combination of fierce and sensibility, with exclusive characters containing wisdom from black humour.

  In the previous four episodes of Contemporary Dance Showcase Asian-Male, challenging the difficulty of body movements has been the major choreographic direction. With the support and participation of numerous Asia’s most esteemed and respected choreographers, the programme is gradually developing to one of the most essential international contemporary dance exchange platform in the Hong Kong Dance industry, while local audiences can also have an opportunity to overlook individual works performed by male dancers across Asia with various style and mood.

Ryu Suck Hun2資深韓國編舞家 柳碩勳
Ryu Suck Hun

參與今屆演出的編演舞者包括第三度獲邀來港獻技的資深韓國編舞家柳碩勳︰柳氏曾獲韓國現代舞振興會編舞大獎(獨舞及雙人舞)及最佳舞者榮譽,亦曾獲韓國舞蹈協會頒發的編舞大獎。除了多年來屢被邀請為日本和韓國各大型舞蹈節演出外,亦曾獲以色列特拉維夫 Suzanne Dellal Center邀請擔任編舞。他善於以柔麗或剛勁的身體線條舞動藝術與個人生存的意念。

Ryu Suck Hun is the third time being invited to the showcase. He was presented the awards of Choreography (Solo and Duet) and the Best Dancer by The Modern Dance Promotion of Korea, and the awards of Choreography by Korea Dance Association. He was been invited to perform in several major dance festivals in Japan and Korea, and to choreograph for Suzanne Dellal Center in Tel Aviv, Isarel. He is strong at expressing art and individual survival concepts by body movements.

Lee Jung In2韓國舞者 李廷仁
Lee Jung In


Korean dancer Lee Jung In and Chang Chien Hao from Taiwan are choreographing and performing for the dance showcase twice. Lee Jung In majored in ballet in university and started learning modern dance in 2009 after graduation. He has established a solid foothold by strong techniques in the field. He was exempted from military service as he won a prize in an international contest. Critics describes Lee’s work “fill of oriental philosophic concepts”.

Chang Chien Hao2台灣長弓舞蹈劇場駐團藝術家 張堅豪
Chang Chien Hao

張堅豪現為長弓舞蹈劇場駐團藝術家。2013年曾隨雲門舞集2於美國紐約喬伊斯劇院(Joyce Theatre)演出鄭宗龍作品《在路上》。創作作品《The Next Three》入圍巴黎市立劇院舉辦的「擴大舞蹈競賽」並受邀前往法國巴黎演出。

Chang Chien Hao is the artist-in-residence of Chang Dance Theater. He performed Cheng Tsung-lung's Work - On the Road with Cloud Gate Dance Theatre 2 at Joyce Theatre, New York in 2013. Chang’s work “The Next Three” was qualified by Danse Elargie Competition which organized by Theatre De La Ville, which allowed him to be invited to Paris, France.

Lee Tsung Hsuan2台灣雲門舞集舞者 李宗軒
Lee Tsung-Hsuan


As another Taiwanese choreographer, Lee Tsung-Hsuan is a dancer from Cloud Gate Dance Theatre. Whilst studied in school of dance at Taipai National University of the Arts, he performed the works of Lin Hwai-min, Howard W. Lark and Nijinsky. He also worked for LAFA, Taipei Crossover Dance Company, and worked as action director of the movie “Like a Dream”.


Suzuki Ryu2東瀛編舞家 鈴木竜
Ryu Suzuki

東瀛編舞家鈴木竜畢業於英國蘭伯特芭蕾與當代舞學院,在學期間曾參與蘭伯特舞蹈團之英國巡迴演出。畢業後成為英國Phoenix Dance Theatre舞者,2012年更與著名英國編舞家艾甘.漢合作,於倫敦奧運開幕式演出。回日發展後,鈴木創辦其個人工作室SHEEPMAN,亦繼續演出各地編舞與藝術家的作品,包括Tero Saarinen、小㞍健太、平山素子、Tristan Sharps等。

Japanese choreographer Ryu Suzuki studied at Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance in UK. Whilst at Rambert, he toured nationally with Rambert Dance Company. Since graduation, he worked in England for Phoenix Dance Theatre and Akram Khan for the London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony. After moved back to Japan in 2012, Suzuki founded his company SHEEPMAN to make his own works. He has also worked with international artists and choreographers including Tero Saarinen, Kenta Kojiri, Motoko Hirayama, Tristan Sharps and many others.

Wong Tan Ki2香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚編舞」 王丹琦
Wong Tan-Ki

至於本地代表亦亳不遜色,將由今屆香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚編舞」王丹琦上陣。香港演藝學院舞蹈學院畢業後,曾任職於德國巴馬海港舞團,乃『NEO Dance HK』及『踢躂領域』創辦人之一。王氏亦曾獲2011香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚獨立舞蹈」,亦於2012年IDO踢躂舞世界錦標賽中榮獲男子獨舞組第三名。近期編舞作品包括:CCDC脫衣秀之《The 3.5 Dimension》、香港藝術節《The Voice》及《由聲而發》、《旅客》、《點.破》、《Seeing is Believing》、《Galatea and Pygmalion》、《Passenger》、《畫室戰記》、《天使666 VS 魔鬼999》;《拍子機》等。

Regarding to local representative, Wong Tan-Ki takes the role with the title of “Outstanding Achievement in Choreography” in 2014 Hong Kong Dance Award. Since graduated from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Wong has joined German dance company Ballett Bremerhaven. He is one of the founders of NEO Dance HK and Tap Ensemble. He is the awardee of Hong Kong Dance Award for Outstanding Achievement in Independent Dance (2011), as well as second runner up in male individual division of 2012 IDO World Tap Dance Championships.


  A series of dance workshops will be moderated by 5 overseas dancer-choreographers before the programme, to talk about their creative process and share their thoughts with audience and fans, as well as to exclusively showcase the characteristics and features of modern dance from various regions.

About E-Side Dance Company

東邊舞蹈團由香港演藝學院首屆畢業生余仁華成立於1988年,是香港具代表性的現代舞團之一。多年來不僅致力創作另類舞蹈劇場作品,更提供獨有的創作及支援平台,培育新一代舞蹈家及推動亞洲現代舞交流。同時,舞團亦定期舉辦排演課程及另類舞蹈藝術工作坊,培養年青一代參與藝術活動的興趣,鼓勵討論及建立濃厚的藝術氣氛。觀眾拓展方面,舞團於戶外或商場上演舞蹈教育節目,以深入淺出的作品,近距離與觀眾接觸,竭力為舞蹈藝術拓展視野與空間,擴闊現代舞觀眾群。自2008年起東邊舞蹈團成為牛池灣文娛中心之場地伙伴,致力打造東九龍另一文化藝術中心,吸引更多觀眾欣賞具國際水平的節目。 2012年更獲頒「香港舞蹈年獎 ─ 最值得表揚舞蹈服務」。

Established by Jacky Yu in 1988, E-Side Dance Company not only aims to produce unconventional works of dance theatre, but also open up supporting platforms for the new generation of dance artists to innovate, shortens the distance with audiences and expands the audience target. The company is presented the 2012 Hong Kong Dance Awards-Outstanding Service to Dance. Since 2008, the company has been the venue partner of Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre.



2014.10.24-25 (Fri-Sat) 8:00pm

Theatre, Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre


Half price for full time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above,
people with disabilities & the Minder,
and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients.

Programme enquiries
2372 9351 /  esidehk@yahoo.com.hk

Facebook Page



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