
掀起香港芭蕾舞團 2014-15 舞季序幕

Don Quixote : Cast announced for
The Hong Kong Ballets spectacular season première
A wonderful ballet MUST-SEE !!!!

Cast List for Selected Roles

  香 港芭蕾舞團2014-15舞季的首個製作《唐吉訶德》主要角色演員表正式公布,同時為新舞季掀起序幕。今季兩位擢升為首席舞蹈員的劉昱瑤和李嘉博,將首次 於《唐吉訶德》中擔演主角。劉昱瑤將飾演琪蒂、梅賽德斯和森林女王;而李嘉博則演出巴西里奧和羅倫佐。其他主要角色為:梅賽德斯(張思園/楊寶婷飾演)、 艾斯巴達(李林/宋海峰/法蘭基.范東拿倫飾演)及唐吉訶德(古思宇/宋海峰飾演)。另外,香港芭蕾舞團今季帶來13位新舞蹈員。他們將參演這全新製作, 必為各芭蕾舞迷帶來欣喜。

   香港芭蕾舞團同時歡迎兩位星級舞蹈員參與《唐吉訶德》,他們分別為荷蘭國家芭蕾舞團首席舞蹈員安娜‧齊岡高娃及英國皇家芭蕾舞團首席舞蹈員馬修‧高頓。 兩位將出演年輕愛侶:客棧老闆的女兒琪蒂和身無分文、年輕俊朗的理髮師巴西里奧。於2012年被《歐洲舞壇》雜誌譽為「全球首100名優秀舞蹈員之一」的 安娜‧齊岡高娃生於俄羅斯;是被世界各地廣邀的客席舞蹈員。她在新西伯利亞芭蕾舞學院及蒙地卡羅格蕾絲王妃古典舞學院接受訓練,畢業後先後加入莫斯科大劇 院芭蕾舞團、布達佩斯的匈牙利國家芭蕾舞團和荷蘭國家芭蕾舞團。現為英國皇家芭蕾舞團首席舞蹈員的馬修‧高頓生於加拿大,2002年贏得在紐約舉行的美國 青少年舞蹈大賽,隨後憑洛桑國際芭蕾舞大賽的獎學金,入讀英國皇家芭蕾舞學院。畢業後,他先後加入美國芭蕾舞團及荷蘭國家芭蕾舞團,2014年起成為英國 皇家芭蕾舞團首席舞蹈員。


   這場芭蕾舞劇改編自塞萬提斯17世紀的小說的選段,故事裡同名的英雄、幻想自己是雄糾糾的尊貴騎士的唐吉訶德,出發去找尋他愛慕的女神達辛妮亞。他在旅 途中遇上美麗的琪蒂,錯認她是他的女神。這個輕鬆有趣、充滿活力的故事,講述琪蒂和她的情人巴西里奧如何碰上喜劇式的癲狂人物唐吉訶德,和他頭腦簡單的隨 從桑丘.潘薩。



  Hong Kong –6th August 2014 The cast list has been announced for Don Quixote, the first production of The Hong Kong Ballet’s 2014-15 season. Two newly promoted Principal Dancers, Liu Yu-yao and Li Jia-bo will dance onstage as Principals for this first time in this ballet; Yu-yao will be dancing the roles of Kitri, Mercedes, and Queen of the Dryads; Jia-bo will be dancing Basilio and Lorenzo. Other dancers in lead roles will be Zhang Si Yuan and Sarah Yeung as Mercedes, and Li Lin, Song Hai Feng and Frank Van Tongeren as Espada. The role of Don Quixote himself will be danced by Kostyantyn Keshyshev and Song Hai Feng. Loyal fans of The Hong Kong Ballet will delighted to see all 13 of The Hong Kong Ballet’s new dancers, who joined the Company at the beginning of the season, dancing in this production.

   The Hong Kong Ballet is also delighted to welcome two guest stars for this ballet: Anna Tsygankova, Principal Dancer at Dutch National Ballet and Matthew Golding, Principal Dancer at the Royal Ballet. They will dance the roles of young lovebirds Kitri, the innkeeper’s daughter, and Basilio, a penniless young barber. Named “one of the top 100 international dancers” in 2012 by Dance Europe magazine, Russian-born ballerina Anna Tsygankova is in great demand as a guest artist all over the world. She trained at the Novosibirsk Ballet Academy and the Académie de Danse Princesse Grace in Monte Carlo before joining the Bolshoi Theatre, the Hungarian National Ballet in Budapest, and then Dutch National Ballet. Canadian-born Matthew was awarded the "Grand Prix" from the Youth American Ballet Competition in New York in 2002, and received a prize scholarship at the Prix de Lausanne Ballet Competition to attend the Royal Ballet School in London. Since graduating, he danced with the American Ballet Theater and Dutch National Ballet Amsterdam before joining the Royal Ballet as Principal Dancer in 2014.


Don Quixote
A cape-twirling, castanet-clicking,
fan-waving spectacular!

  The Hong Kong Ballet will open the 2014-15 dance season with a brand new production of Don Quixote, based on Miguel de Cervantes’ great novel of the same name. Nina Ananiashivili, the Georgian-born, Bolshoi-trained dancer who is recognised as one of the finest prima ballerinas of the 20th century is staging her own interpretation of this much loved story for The Hong Kong Ballet.

   The eponymous hero, who misguidedly imagines himself a chivalrous and honourable knight, sets off in search of Dulcinea the fictional maiden with whom he has fallen in love. On his adventures he meets the beautiful Kitri and mistakes her for his beloved Dulcinea. This fun and feisty tale tells of Kitri and her sweetheart Basilio, and their encounters with the comically delusional Don Quixote and his simple squire Sancho Panza.

   Known for its balletic fireworks and bravura steps, this ballet is a tour de force, requiring the dancers to tackle some of the most technically-demanding choreography in classical ballet. Don Quixote is a must-see ballet for all the family - a fast-paced dance spectacle packed with virtuoso dancing, a fanciful storyline, and hilarious characters.


2014/08/22, 23, 29, 30 – 7:30PM
2014/08/23, 24, 30, 31 – 2:30PM

Love and Laughter!
Mischief and Mirth!
Great fun for the whole family!
Don Quixote at Hong Kong Cultural Centre,
A wonderful ballet MUST-SEE !!!!


Click below hyperlink in PURPLE
to read related article for more information,
event and booking details of Don Quixote

Don Quixote, a Sensational Story Ballet for All the Family

Programme Enquiries

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