The Hong Kong Ballet
invited back to perform at Jacob's Pillow


  今年夏季,香港芭蕾舞團的33名舞蹈員,將再次前往美國,應邀到美國最著名、歷史最悠久的雅各之枕舞蹈節 (Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival) 演出。舞團在2012年首度亮相雅各之枕,演出非常成功,今年再接再厲,給觀眾帶來更多驚喜。


  吳菲菲、魏巍與沈杰獲榮邀參與開幕典禮的匯演,緊接是舞團為期八天的舞蹈節 (2014年6月18 至 22日) 打頭陣的演出。演出作品分別為取自費波所編《她自己的房間》的三人舞段、納曹.杜亞陶所編的《卡薩廸》,與及克里茲托夫.帕斯特的《光與影之間》,這個豐富多彩的芭蕾精品,不但表現出舞團多才多藝的特質,且能展示每位舞蹈員非凡的才華和其獨特個性。




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  藝術總監歐美蓮與舞蹈員對這次重臨雅各之枕,感到同樣興奮。「我們非常享受2012 年在雅各之枕的演出。這個在海外接觸新觀眾的機會,給我們的舞蹈員很大得著。巡演向來能讓舞蹈員提升他們的藝術修養。到外國演出是美妙的體驗,同時我亦為舞團回港後可以展現他們日益精進的造詣﹐而感到高興。」




  雅各之枕舞蹈節被《紐約時報》譽為「全國舞蹈之樞紐」。雅各之枕是美國歷史最悠久的舞蹈節,亦是國家級歷史景點和美國國家榮譽藝術獎章得主。雅各之枕舞位於麻省西部的伯克希爾(Berkshire Hills),每年參與舞團來自世界各地,多達50個,呈獻350個免費及收費演出、講座、展覽、電影、課堂、巡演和社區活動。


HK Ballet Logo (Black)  


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Symphony in Three Movements
(Please click here)

Symphony in Three Movements



地點: Ted Shawn Theatre,
(358 George Carter Road, Becket, Massachusetts, USA

票價:美元$69, $59, $39


  This summer, 33 of The Hong Kong Ballet’s dancers will once again fly to the US at the invitation of America’s most prestigious and longest-running dance festival, Jacob’s Pillow. The Company made their Pillow debut just two years ago in 2012, and the performances were such a success that the Company has been invited to dance once again.


  Three of The Hong Kong Ballet’s dancers, Wu Fei-fei, Wei Wei and Shen Jie will have the singular honour of participating in the gala performance that will mark the official opening of the festival, and soon after that the Company’s mixed bill of ballets will be the first programme at this year’s festival, with performances from 18th – 22nd June 2014. The well-rounded mixed bill shows the versatility of The Hong Kong Ballet, as well as showcasing the extraordinary talents and personalities of the dancers. On the programme is the pas de trois from Fei Bo’s A Room of Her Own; Castrati by Nacho Duato; and Krzysztof Pastor’s In Light and Shadow.


  The three pieces have very different characteristics and different significance for the Company. A Room of Her Own represents The Hong Kong Ballet’s mission to perform and promote ballets by choreographers from our part of the world - Asia. Fei Bo is one of the most interesting choreographers in China at the moment, and in his work with the National Ballet of China he has developed a style with roots in both classical ballet and contemporary dance, with pieces that are often strongly influenced by the Chinese culture. He is still at the beginning of his career as a choreographer, and we are proud to introduce him to an international audience.

  Nacho Duato is a well-established choreographer, whose ballets speak a language of movements that everybody recognises. The all-male ballet, Castrati is a perfect piece to present The Hong Kong Ballet’s technically and artistically outstanding male dancers.

  Krzysztof Pastor was the choreographer in residence of the Dutch National Ballet for a long time, and has more recently become the Artistic Director of the Polish National Ballet. His ballet shows his own as well as The Hong Kong Ballet’s dancers’ love of ballet. It’s a joyful piece set to Bach music with opportunities for all the dancers to show off. Inspired by a range of Baroque dances, and painters including Michelangelo, Vermeer and Rembrandt, In Light and Shadow begins with a delicate duet to the aria from Goldberg Variations before unveiling a rich tapestry of solos, duets and ensemble work set to the Third Orchestral Suite.

  Artistic Director of The Hong Kong Ballet, Madeleine Onne, is just as excited as the dancers to be returning to Jacob’s Pillow. “Our 2012 visit to the Pillow was such an enjoyable experience, and our dancers really benefitted from the opportunity to dance overseas for a new audience. The dancers always develop artistically from touring, so while it’s wonderful to perform abroad I am also proud to show off our Company’s increased excellence when we get home.”

  Touring has long been a crucial part of The Hong Kong Ballet’s vision, and the dancers relish the opportunity to introduce new audiences to the best of the Company’s repertoire. As a Cultural Ambassador for Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Ballet is proud to present works of outstanding quality overseas.


About Jacob’s Pillow

  Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival is "the dance center of the nation" (The New York Times). The Pillow is home to America's longest-running dance festival, is a National Historic Landmark, and a recipient of the National Medal of Arts. Located in the beautiful Berkshire Hills of Western Massachusetts, Jacob's Pillow hosts more than 50 dance companies from around the world as well as 350 free and ticketed performances, talks, exhibits, films, classes, tours, and community events.


About The Hong Kong Ballet

   One of the premier classical ballet companies in Asia, The Hong Kong Ballet is becoming internationally recognized as a world-class institution that represents Hong Kong’s unique character. November 2013 marked the 35th anniversary of the Company which has evolved into a vibrant performing arts organization with accomplished dancers, a strong repertoire and technically challenging productions.The Hong Kong Ballet’s artistic team is led by Artistic Director Madeleine Onne, with over 40 dancers originating from all over the world. Performing a repertoire that combines classical masterpieces and acclaimed contemporary works, the Company continues to commission works from today’s most sought-after choreographers. Recent commissions include new ballets from choreographers such as Fei Bo, Kinsun Chan, Wang Xin Peng, Peter Quanz, Yuri Ng, Cynthia Harvey, Terence Kohler and Jorma Elo.


Jacob’s Pillow Festival Performance Details:

    6 performances:
18th – 21st June 2014 (8pm) / 21st – 22nd June 2014 (2pm)

Venue: Ted Shawn Theatre
(358 George Carter Road, Becket, Massachusetts, USA)

    Tickets: US$69, $59, $39   


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