

生於上海的譚元元,被譽為史上最偉大的中國芭蕾舞蹈員。早年分別於上海芭蕾舞學校及德國史圖加特約翰格蘭可學校接受芭蕾舞訓練,1995年起加入三藩市芭蕾舞團為獨舞員。兩年後,年僅20歲的譚元元,成為該舞團史上首名華裔首席舞蹈員。譚氏一派流動的優雅,成為了一眾知名編舞家的靈感,包括湯美生、波索克 霍夫、基斯杜化韋爾登及史坦頓韋爾奇等分別為其度身創作多套芭蕾作品。譚氏出眾的天賦與專注,為其帶來豐盛的獎項,包括第五屆巴黎國際芭蕾大賽金獎 (1992)、第一屆日本國際芭蕾舞及現代舞比賽金獎及尼金斯基獎(1993),1999年更獲邀參觀白宮。於2004年10月獲《時代》雜誌選為「亞洲英雄」的譚元元,於2008年5月加入香港芭蕾舞團成為客席首席舞蹈員,展開其事業的新一頁。


  Tan Yuan Yuan
Guest Principal Dancer of The Hong Kong Ballet
Principal Dancer, San Francisco Ballet

Tan Yuan Yuan is regarded as the greatest Chinese ballerina of all time. Born in Shanghai, Tan trained at Shanghai Dancing School and Stuttgart's John Cranko School before joining San Francisco Ballet as a Soloist in 1995; just two years later, at the age of 20 she was made the Company’s first ever Chinese Principal Dancer. Tan Yuan Yuan’s fluid elegance has inspired well-known choreographers to create ballets for her, including Helgi Tómasson, Yuri Possokhov, Christopher Wheeldon and Stanton Welch. Her outstanding talent and dedication have been recognised by many awards, including a Gold Medal at the 5th International Ballet Competition in Paris (1992), the Gold Medal and the Nijinsky Award at the 1st Japan International Ballet and Modern Dance Competition (1993), and an invitation to the White House in 1999. Named one of Asia’s Heroes by Time magazine in 2004, Tan Yuan Yuan joined The Hong Kong Ballet in 2008.


香港芭蕾舞團 Hong Kong Ballet
譚元元照片 攝影:Chris Hardy


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